Community Youth Program
CYP is a completely free afterschool and summer program for 4th-8th grade students in Roanoke City Public Schools.
CYP is an intentionally small program with only 35 students enrolled. Our focus is on holistic wellness, enrichment style programming, and academics.
Sponsors 2024

the Boxley Family
Ginny Jarrett

Eddie Link Mike Kemp
Brad Blum Allison Oakey
Liz Chilton & Bryan Collier the Farrell Family Jan and Rand Garrett Carolyn & Bill H'Doubler
Paula & Jay Irons Jenny & Chris John Sheryl & Ed McNally

LaDawn and Scott Avis the Bibee Family the Douthat Family Ashley and Thomas Fellers
Ashley and Andy Gerrish Cheri and Dave Hartman Lisa Turner and Art Heberer
Allison and Matthew Parry Anne Marie and Gordon Poore
Sandra & Mike Friedlander and friends of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC

Mimi & Patton Coles Paul Economy & Randy Craver Kelly and Russ Ellis Kay and Jim Kelly
Forrest & Chris Moore Nancy Peake the Roberts Family Libba & Barry Wolfe