There are several ways to serve as a CYP volunteer:
Homework helper
Drive students home in the evenings
Give a presentation to students
Homework helpers (tutor) assist students with homework and studying. Tutoring sessions are completed 1-1. Homework is completed between 3-5pm, M-Th.
Evening drivers transport children to their homes at the end of the day. Most students live within 5 miles of CYP. Rides home are between 5:30-6:00pm, M-F.
Presenters offer special interest programming to elementary and/or middle school groups. We'd love to hear your ideas for a unique presentation!
Contact Grace Tarpley to begin volunteering!
540-309-6321 cypactivities@stjohnsroanoke.org
Enroll a Child
Children in 4th-8th grade in Roanoke City Public Schools may participate in CYP. Children are given individual tutoring and homework assistance, and are guaranteed at least 45 minutes every M-Th to complete homework, work on projects, and study for tests. Students also take part in an enrichment activity every day, and often go on field trips on
Fridays. Enrichment activities focus on building
self-esteem, exploring new ideas, servicelearning,
healthy life skills, and so much more. Field trips include visits to local museums, farmers markets, athletic activities, etc.
Currently enrolling from the following schools:
Fairview Elementary
Highland Park Elementary
Wasena Elementary
James Breckenridge Middle
James Madison Middle
J.P. Fishwick Middle
Lucy Addison Middle
Contact Grace Tarpley to enroll your child!
540-309-6321 cypactivities@stjohnsroanoke.org